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Learn at home with our Family Fun Packs!

Looking for learning materials for your children while you’re all at home? HITN Learning has pulled some great materials from our Cleo & Cuquin Family Fun! Math Kits and added even more to support families with their at-home learning during this challenging time.

This free printable pack of bilingual (Spanish/English) early learning resources offers a collection of activities, quick and easy crafts, videos, and more developed for children ages 3-5 to learn mathematical concepts.

Each pack covers a different math topic and is designed to help your child do interesting and enjoyable learning activities that will prepare them for kindergarten.

Included in each pack:

  • A Tips for Parents sheet for you to help your children learn math from their everyday world
  • Engaging printable activities for preschoolers that help them learn basic math concepts and skills
  • A fun hands-on Make and Learn Activity craft page that kids will enjoy making and using
  • A Storybook Video
  • The free Explore + Learn app

General Tips for Helping Your Child Learn:

  • Brain research tells us that your child’s developing brain learns best by being face-to-face with an adult — you! — while learning. We also know that touching and moving help children’s brains learn.
  • Singing songs, speaking, and reading require similar processing in the brain. Listening to and singing songs helps your child understand language patterns. This understanding will later help your child learn to read.
  • Children learn by doing simple tasks first before moving on to more difficult tasks. Think of your child’s learning as a set of stairs—it starts at the base and moves up one step at a time.
  • Asking questions encourages your child to be curious and stimulates thinking. When your child asks a question, it’s OK for you to say, “What do you think?” or “Let’s find out together.” You don’t have to answer every question.
  • Playing board games and video games is fun, and these games can also be good for children’s mental and physical development. Board games and video games can help children improve their thinking and reasoning skills as well as their physical coordination.
  • Playing games helps children develop problem-solving and creative thinking skills. Games are a fun way to learn how to take turns and delay gratification. These are important skills to help your child learn self-control.


Preschoolers will learn how to count to 10, read and write the numerals 0–9, and to tell at a glance how many items are in a group (up to 5) without counting.


Preschoolers will learn to group items based on given directions, to group items into categories that she or he has chosen, to describe and compare the way items are sorted, to decide which group has more or fewer items, and to understand differences in color, shape, size, or amounts of grouped items.

3D Shapes

Preschoolers will learn to identify 3D shapes, to describe and compare 3D shapes, to create shapes, and to turn shapes and show how they always remain the same even when seen from different angles.

Flat Shapes

Preschoolers will learn to identify the flat shapes circle, triangle, rectangle, square, hexagon, to create flat shapes, and to describe and compare flat shapes and their characteristics.

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Cleo & Cuquin Family Fun! Math Kits and the Explore + Learn App!

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